Open Meets
An Open Meet is a non-team competition hosted by a Club e.g. Worcester that is “open” to swimmers from any other club to enter.
Open Meets are typically “graded” with qualifying times i.e. swimmers having to meet a minimum standard (faster than time X) while sometimes the ability of swimmers is restricted to a maximum standard too (no faster than time Y).
There will be wide range of events to choose from e.g. 50m Freestyle to 400m Individual Medley with swimmers not limited to how many races they may enter. This is what makes Open Meets so popular as they provide an excellent opportunity to swim lots of races – whereas at a normal gala, you may just get two or three 25m/50m/100m swims for the team.
Although swimmers are very welcome to enter as many Open Meets as they want (NB Club competitions always take priority), we would urge a little caution and not do too many. Also, as they are usually over a whole day – or even a weekend – Open Meets are much more fun with a large squad of swimmers there to support each other (and bring the Coach coffee!?).
To this end, Mark will nominate a number of Open Meets each year that will be “Club events” i.e. we will look to take lots of swimmers, entries will be handled by the Club, there will be coaching staff on poolside, etc. All other Open Meets will need to be organised by swimmers & parents themselves – although Mark is always happy to provide advice.
Targeted open meets – These also appear on our Fixtures calendar with all relevant links
The following are the planned “target” meets for the rest of the 2018-19 season…please read the descriptions carefully as not all will be suitable for every swimmer!
Southwold also at Gloucester – 25th/26th May
An excellent meet…highly recommended…suitable for all swimmers below Regional level…no qualifying times (only upper limit times) so perfect for the less experienced swimmers too
FYI Mark is also planning to target a Level 1 long course meet in late May (after Regional Champs) for those swimmers chasing qualifying times for National Summer Championships and not busy with GCSE / A level exams…details to follow
Worcester – 6/7th July
Simply the best…pop the date in your diaries now! Suitable for all Club swimmers
Only paper copies will be processed…online entries by email, social media, etc will not be accepted…and payment needs to be made at the same time please…ideally by cheque (payable to Worcester Swimming Club) or alternatively direct to the usual Club bank a/c (in which case, please quote your bank reference on the form to assist with reconciliation)