On Monday 9th July, the Club will be looking to complete a 100 x 100m Relay Challenge as part of the “we remember them” campaign to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War 1 later this year (11th November of course)
This event is happening at different times across many pools in the UK during this summer – with the fastest teams then invited to a national event in Sheffield – and I’m very keen to be involved as I believe the Worcester Swimming Club family has a role to play in the wider community, not just the swimming world
You know me though…always like to make things difficult…I want to field 2 (!) teams so that’s 200 different swimmers we will need on Monday 9th July to swim 100m each
That sounds ambitious but we are a huge club and if swimmers from all squads, from Academy to Masters, join in, then we should be able to do it easily…so please please please get yourself involved
My plan is to start one team at 6pm (it will be at Perdiswell) and hold on to your hats, I will swim the first leg…better get some training in!!…with the second (probably faster) team beginning at 7pm
There will be an entry fee…£5 per swimmer, paid on the night (cash or cheque)…with all £ raised going to the Royal British Legion
If you would like to take part, please simply email me ASAP…and the first 200 (!) swimmers will be accepted on a first come, first served basis
Hope that’s all ok / makes sense but as always please feel free to get in touch if you have any queries…and as I said earlier, PLEASE swim and help the Club both commemorate an important event in history and raise £1000 for a very worthwhile charity
Many thanks
Kind regards
PS further to my email the other day, Monday 9th July will be the first night Kings is shut so there will be no training for Academy and Skill Development swimmers that day, so fingers crossed we can get almost all of them involved in the 100 x 100 Challenge please
PPS if you want to take part, let me know ASAP please but by no later than Monday 2nd July…then as soon as possible after that, I will confirm arrangements for the event, including what time(s) everyone should turn up