On Monday 23 June 2014 the Club held its 89th AGM. At the meeting your new Committee was voted in for the next year, by the Members present at the meeting. The Committee now consists of the following:

Chairman – Simon Richards
Secretary – Iona Carter
Treasurer – Adele Rimell
Membership Secretary – Emma Sudworth
Fixtures Secretary – Mary Adair

“Ordinary Members”
Andrea Turner
Julie MacBeth
Sheila King
Dave Hughes
Jacqui Sheldon
Sarah Matthews
Steve Yates
John Pridden
Alan Bury
Andy Shepherd

Additional roles and responsibilities for the Ordinary Members will be decided at July’s Committee meeting.

Photos of the new Committee will be going onto the website in the next few weeks as we are keen to ensure that we are visible and known to you, our Members.

The new Committee is looking forward to starting work and continuing to do all it can for the Club and to build on the hard work of previous Committees. If you have any questions, issues, concerns or suggestions for the future, please speak to any member of the Committee.
